Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 13 - Basic Obedience

 Class Outing 

Use WITH ME command when crossing street, climbing stairs, when passing distractions.

If your dog is pulling on a walk - slow down. If pulling continues, WAIT, until your dog collects herself.

The fun game at the park;
 HUP and  OFF
You can find ways to apply these at home, no doubt.

Practice a little  bit of STAY to COME at least once a day. Try to make the session under 5 minutes and short and sweet.

Remember to wait for your dog to make the effort.

Good work everyone!!!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Good "SIT" Molly

Sometimes it is easier for your dog to stay focused if they have a little  "personal space" around any distractions. When practicing, find your "sweet spot", the distance where your dog can maintain their self control and not react to distractions. Once you have cemented that behavior, then you are ready to inch up a bit.